
Do you still dream of our favorite boulevard?

of holding hands, unfettered, unseen

of laughing like two maverick birds in the sky

Saying those words, taking the plunge

Of undying promises, unseen territories

two clueless wanderers in a star strewn galaxy

Do you still miss those lazy evenings?

Those walks on the old bridge

Fighting for stolen apples near the neighborhood orchard

Carving names on the old birch trees

Of hidden treasures on the rooftop

Of playing hide and seek in the palm grove

Do you miss my voice that woke you up from slumber?

Of watching movies in a dingy theatre

Of running in the rain. Opening mouths to taste the sky.

Pretending to study in the local library

My eyes fixed on you and the pages kept turning by themselves

Do you not miss times that have gone and would never return?

No matter how much I call them back

The earth and the sky. The home that I miss.

The courtyard where we grew

When love was unsaid, unheard, unfelt

It was just there. Always for us.

Why is it so that it went away

Did it not like us growing up

or was it slow enough that it failed to keep up....


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